Every morning I wake up, I get at least two emails forwarded from my neighbor. With him it's a hit and miss for me, because I've seen just about every forwarded Internet fad email since 1999. Remember the 2-story outhouse? How about the five versions with different signs for both floors? The phallic sand castle? WOO WOO Bubb Rubb guy? TubGirl? The one's that get me are the urban legends that get started and passed around...
It's Okay to Pee in Someone Else's Pool
So, every morning it's a 50% chance that I've seen it, and 50% chance it's not true. I already have open and ready to go before I click his emails... Then depending on the context
of said email, I'll go ahead and click "reply to all" to the fifty something people he spammed and bust the urban legend with a link to I know, I'm terrible. How to people have time for this? People complain they can't pick up a phone because they're too busy, but they can read and contribute to this email? I almost forgot... Did you know it's not true that the water will turn purple if you pee in a chlorinated community public pool? Well, I'll be!
Oh, It's Magic
As a whole, society has been on high alert of these forwarded and spam junk emails. We've evolved so fast with cell phones, blackberries, palm pilots, and all that etc., etc... This makes it even harder to get through the beaded curtain of someone's inbox. Okay, so what if you are a businessman who really, actually, positively has the next greatest thing to show others via email? You have no doubt in your mind, that what you have to say or sell is very important. You must forward it to others. So how are you going to do that when it's hard to convince people to click that magical "open" or "read" button?
HOT TIP! Your best friend will read any email you send to them. So why don't you start with your best friend? Your friend knows other people you don't know. You know people your friend doesn't know. It happens, that's why there's billions of people on this planet.
My best friend comes over to my house with an empty pickle jar. He asks for some well water and he fills it up. He pulls out the lid from his backpack with a computer part shoved inside with 2 wires hanging out. He plugs it into a surge protector out in my shed without warning. The jar starts making the water turn white and little bubbles started forming. I said, "Woah! Hey! Don't set my shed on fire, Beakman! What the hell are you doing?!" To which he places an airtight straw through a rubber grommet in the lid and attaches a balloon. The balloon starts airing up. "I just created hydrogen, dude. My class at school is working on a project and this is it."
Um, what?
A week later I stumbled upon some ebay auctions about similar items, and this ebook. Coincidental? I emailed that same friend about it and he said "yeah, the technology is there, and the Internet is now helping others spread the knowledge out there". He's a conspiracy nut with that story about a man who disappeared in the early 1900s who had a pending patent on a water powered engine. Insert obligatory X-Files whistle.
If somebody you don't know at all sends you an email entitled, "my car is now running on water"...pfft., "So?". If your best friend just sent you an email with the exact same subject're going to read it and see what they are talking about, right? They just heard about a hot new product that is installed under the hood and now they are getting 70 mpg instead of 15 mpg. For real? How's it work? We gotta tell others! You now send it to your Dad, or your starts spreading like a new trojan horse virus written last night. So now my Dad and Larry have this contraption underneath Nana's sweet Cadillic Deville.
HOT TIP! Apply this to an email you really want to get out there. It's a trick on the analytical thinking of a forwarded email. If the author promotes himself, eh so, what? If somebody else is excited about someone's work and virally passes it's more effective.
Oh yeah, I still don't know if this thing works or not. I need to call my father. I"ll give you guys an update when I hear something. See, I'm talking about a product I don't even know about... but it gauged my interest because my buddy already came over showing me a peice of it from his university study group.
The same trick was applied to some of you subscribers reading this blog. I have a few email relationships with competiting Cafepress shopkeepers. I started talking one day to a really cool awesome tee shirt site owner via Google Mail asking if they'd be interested in a blog such as this one. I just figured 3 years ago I could have used an information source to help get me started. I sort of fell into what has become of now. If I can help bypass hurdles, obstacles, and potholes along the way for a brand new Cafepress store being opened...then I accomplished what I set out to do.
You know it's good marketing when I hear about something because a friend told me about it.
I mean, isn't that the most trusted source? "I heard it from a friend."
Well, Mike from The One Man Corporation got it right when he sent out an email to his competitors (other Cafepress shopkeepers) teasing us with some valuable information and an invitation to forward it to more friends. And so, a friend forwarded it to me.
It worked. I got the email and actually didn't delete it! That's a feat in itself. I hate forwards. I always delete them. But, hey, if the first few lines grab my attention, I'll read on.
So check him out. I'm going to add his blog to the sidebar here for future reference. He's got some great tips on making money from home, valuable resources, and insight that can only be learned from experience. After all, he does work from home. And he's sharing his experiences for everyone to benefit from.
I've personally started building better relationships with competitors just by using this technique. This works in a world where all competitors rely on the same distributor for their product. Everyone else needs to stay in business, too, right? If your boss is doing better and the company is becoming more successful, the money is there to start getting a raise. If you suck, you contribute to a sucking company, profits drop, the boss says he can't give you a raise because the company is doing sucky, because the employees suck, which means he's sucking at being a good's a viscious cycle, isn't it?
Same thing...if your distributor or "boss" like Commission Junction, Ebay, Amazon, Cafepress, ie., WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING OR SELLING, is getting more sales and revenues, then your sales and revenues will go up as well. In the affiliate business, if you help others, then you reap the benefits and rewards, too. It's a give/give relationship on the Internet.
You got a great idea and want to get it out there? For free? Start with your friends and family. You don't have any friends? Stop being a jerk and get some! Simple.
Be that Ying to other's Yang. Yeah, I said it.
Nice post, things explained in details. Thank You.
I certainly agree to some points that you have discussed on this post. I appreciate that you have shared some reliable tips on this review.
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